AlisonMorales's profile

Profile photo of AlisonMorales

AlisonMorales is offline

AlisonMorales is a 21 years old young woman and she is a performer on Livejasmin since May 2023.

She speaks english, her hair are brown and long and her eyes are brown. AlisonMorales's body is thin, she has average height and her weight is normal.

AlisonMorales says "If we are not familiar, then we need not to miss this chance! write to me I'm always glad to your messages. In fact, first impressions can be deceiving, can we fix that? hello, my name is Alison, I love summer walks in the most unusual landscapes, I like listening to music and enjoying every moment of my life. I am a slender girl with small legs and a wonderful smile and incredible charisma".

What turns-on AlisonMorales? "I just madly love incredible summer nights, romance, mountains, rivers, frosty early mornings, it’s such a romance, and I also love getting flowers and eating delicious food, can we have dinner together?".

AlisonMorales charges 2.49 credits/min for her live private webcam show in her chat room on Livejasmin.

AlisonMorales was seen online 1 year and 8 months ago.

Last update on: 2023-07-03 02:21:56 UTC

Profile photo of AlisonMorales

AlisonMorales is offline

AlisonMorales is a 21 years old young woman and she is a performer on Livejasmin since May 2023.

She speaks english, her hair are brown and long and her eyes are brown. AlisonMorales's body is thin, she has average height and her weight is normal.

AlisonMorales says "If we are not familiar, then we need not to miss this chance! write to me I'm always glad to your messages. In fact, first impressions can be deceiving, can we fix that? hello, my name is Alison, I love summer walks in the most unusual landscapes, I like listening to music and enjoying every moment of my life. I am a slender girl with small legs and a wonderful smile and incredible charisma".

What turns-on AlisonMorales? "I just madly love incredible summer nights, romance, mountains, rivers, frosty early mornings, it’s such a romance, and I also love getting flowers and eating delicious food, can we have dinner together?".

AlisonMorales charges 2.49 credits/min for her live private webcam show in her chat room on Livejasmin.

AlisonMorales was seen online 1 year and 8 months ago.

Last update on: 2023-07-03 02:21:56 UTC

May 2023

Total time online
47 hours and 48 minutes
Total time of open sessions
38 hours and 26 minutes
Total time of group sessions
8 minutes
Total time of private sessions
6 hours and 4 minutes
Total time of exclusive private sessions
3 hours and 8 minutes
Total time in announcing VIP shows
Total time in VIP show sessions

Time Shares for May 2023

June 2023

Total time online
160 hours and 7 minutes
Total time of open sessions
134 hours and 49 minutes
Total time of group sessions
36 minutes
Total time of private sessions
15 hours and 53 minutes
Total time of exclusive private sessions
8 hours and 35 minutes
Total time in announcing VIP shows
9 minutes
Total time in VIP show sessions
2 minutes

Time Shares for June 2023

July 2023

Total time online
1 hour and 41 minutes
Total time of open sessions
1 hour and 23 minutes
Total time of group sessions
1 minute
Total time of private sessions
17 minutes
Total time of exclusive private sessions
Total time in announcing VIP shows
Total time in VIP show sessions

Time Shares for July 2023

May 2023

Total time online
47 hours and 48 minutes
Total time of open sessions
38 hours and 26 minutes
Total time of group sessions
8 minutes
Total time of private sessions
6 hours and 4 minutes
Total time of exclusive private sessions
3 hours and 8 minutes
Total time in announcing VIP shows
Total time in VIP show sessions

Time Shares for May 2023

June 2023

Total time online
160 hours and 7 minutes
Total time of open sessions
134 hours and 49 minutes
Total time of group sessions
36 minutes
Total time of private sessions
15 hours and 53 minutes
Total time of exclusive private sessions
8 hours and 35 minutes
Total time in announcing VIP shows
9 minutes
Total time in VIP show sessions
2 minutes

Time Shares for June 2023

July 2023

Total time online
1 hour and 41 minutes
Total time of open sessions
1 hour and 23 minutes
Total time of group sessions
1 minute
Total time of private sessions
17 minutes
Total time of exclusive private sessions
Total time in announcing VIP shows
Total time in VIP show sessions

Time Shares for July 2023