IsabellaGravil's profile

IsabellaGravil is offline
IsabellaGravil is a 24 years old young woman and she is a performer on Livejasmin since November 2023.
She speaks english, french, german and spanish, her hair are black and long and her eyes are black. IsabellaGravil's body is medium build, she has average height and her weight is normal.
IsabellaGravil says "I enjoy sex in all positions, I am open-minded ready to please you in all the fantasies and desires you want to fulfill, I am ready for anything and I want to reach my limits doing extreme BDSM ".
What turns-on IsabellaGravil? "I love being submissive, following orders and practicing extreme BDSM, I have no problem performing dirty shows, I love being accommodating, anal is one of my favorites, I am not an expert in bondage but I love the idea of being tied up and feeling my tits are shaking, I deep throat while I stimulate my pussy preparing it for a double penetration".
IsabellaGravil charges 0.98 credits/min for her live private webcam show in her chat room on Livejasmin.
IsabellaGravil was seen online 1 year and 3 months ago.
Last update on: 2023-12-01 03:38:04 UTC

IsabellaGravil is offline
IsabellaGravil is a 24 years old young woman and she is a performer on Livejasmin since November 2023.
She speaks english, french, german and spanish, her hair are black and long and her eyes are black. IsabellaGravil's body is medium build, she has average height and her weight is normal.
IsabellaGravil says "I enjoy sex in all positions, I am open-minded ready to please you in all the fantasies and desires you want to fulfill, I am ready for anything and I want to reach my limits doing extreme BDSM ".
What turns-on IsabellaGravil? "I love being submissive, following orders and practicing extreme BDSM, I have no problem performing dirty shows, I love being accommodating, anal is one of my favorites, I am not an expert in bondage but I love the idea of being tied up and feeling my tits are shaking, I deep throat while I stimulate my pussy preparing it for a double penetration".
IsabellaGravil charges 0.98 credits/min for her live private webcam show in her chat room on Livejasmin.
IsabellaGravil was seen online 1 year and 3 months ago.
Last update on: 2023-12-01 03:38:04 UTC
November 2023
Total time online |
23 hours and 13 minutes |
Total time of open sessions |
15 hours and 39 minutes |
Total time of group sessions |
1 hour and 52 minutes |
Total time of private sessions |
5 hours and 33 minutes |
Total time of exclusive private sessions |
8 minutes |
Total time in announcing VIP shows |
-- |
Total time in VIP show sessions |
-- |
Time Shares for November 2023 |
December 2023
Total time online |
1 hour and 29 minutes |
Total time of open sessions |
1 hour and 23 minutes |
Total time of group sessions |
3 minutes |
Total time of private sessions |
1 minute |
Total time of exclusive private sessions |
-- |
Total time in announcing VIP shows |
-- |
Total time in VIP show sessions |
-- |
Time Shares for December 2023 |
November 2023
Total time online |
23 hours and 13 minutes |
Total time of open sessions |
15 hours and 39 minutes |
Total time of group sessions |
1 hour and 52 minutes |
Total time of private sessions |
5 hours and 33 minutes |
Total time of exclusive private sessions |
8 minutes |
Total time in announcing VIP shows |
-- |
Total time in VIP show sessions |
-- |
Time Shares for November 2023 |
December 2023
Total time online |
1 hour and 29 minutes |
Total time of open sessions |
1 hour and 23 minutes |
Total time of group sessions |
3 minutes |
Total time of private sessions |
1 minute |
Total time of exclusive private sessions |
-- |
Total time in announcing VIP shows |
-- |
Total time in VIP show sessions |
-- |
Time Shares for December 2023 |