MadisonWinter's profile

Profile photo of MadisonWinter

MadisonWinter is offline

MadisonWinter is a 27 years old woman and she is a performer on Livejasmin since November 2023.

She speaks english and spanish, her hair are black and long and her eyes are brown. MadisonWinter's body is medium build, she has average height and her weight is normal.

MadisonWinter says "I am a sexy woman who loves to meet new people and new cultures, I love talking about all kinds of topic and learn something new every day, I am the queen of curves, wide hips and small waist and I want to show you how well and free I can make you feel".

What turns-on MadisonWinter? "Once my sensual and sexual engine is turned on... I will like everything".

MadisonWinter charges 2.49 credits/min for her live private webcam show in her chat room on Livejasmin.

MadisonWinter was seen online 1 year and 3 months ago.

Last update on: 2023-11-30 03:00:12 UTC

Profile photo of MadisonWinter

MadisonWinter is offline

MadisonWinter is a 27 years old woman and she is a performer on Livejasmin since November 2023.

She speaks english and spanish, her hair are black and long and her eyes are brown. MadisonWinter's body is medium build, she has average height and her weight is normal.

MadisonWinter says "I am a sexy woman who loves to meet new people and new cultures, I love talking about all kinds of topic and learn something new every day, I am the queen of curves, wide hips and small waist and I want to show you how well and free I can make you feel".

What turns-on MadisonWinter? "Once my sensual and sexual engine is turned on... I will like everything".

MadisonWinter charges 2.49 credits/min for her live private webcam show in her chat room on Livejasmin.

MadisonWinter was seen online 1 year and 3 months ago.

Last update on: 2023-11-30 03:00:12 UTC

November 2023

Total time online
34 hours and 8 minutes
Total time of open sessions
21 hours and 35 minutes
Total time of group sessions
17 minutes
Total time of private sessions
9 hours and 18 minutes
Total time of exclusive private sessions
1 hour and 15 minutes
Total time in announcing VIP shows
1 hour and 15 minutes
Total time in VIP show sessions
25 minutes

Time Shares for November 2023

November 2023

Total time online
34 hours and 8 minutes
Total time of open sessions
21 hours and 35 minutes
Total time of group sessions
17 minutes
Total time of private sessions
9 hours and 18 minutes
Total time of exclusive private sessions
1 hour and 15 minutes
Total time in announcing VIP shows
1 hour and 15 minutes
Total time in VIP show sessions
25 minutes

Time Shares for November 2023